Scott Paiement, Ph.D.

Economist, Chapel Hill, NC
Email: [email protected]

Scott Paiement, Ph.D. earned a Ph.D. in Economics from North Carolina State University, where he was awarded the Warren and Ellen C. Watson Graduate Fellowship for Economic Leadership. 

Dr. Paiement has served as an instructor at North Carolina State University where he taught courses in microeconomics as well as agricultural and resource economics. His research regarding market design has influenced policy change at prestigious universities and has been published in Mathematical Social Sciences

Prior to joining Insight Economics, Dr. Paiement worked as an actuarial analyst where he assisted in developing projection and valuation models. He also has developed investment algorithms for use in hedge fund trading strategies as a research consultant. 

Dr. Paiement earned a M.R. in Economics and B.S. in Applied Mathematics from North Carolina State University.